Title: “National Parks of the Pacific Crest Trail”
- North Cascades National Park, Washington
- Mount Rainier National Park, Washington
- Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
- Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
- Yosemite National Park, California
- Kings Canyon National Park, California
All prints are Numbered, Signed & Dated
The Artist’s signature on these prints attests that he has personally inspected, numbered and approved and signed each print and further verifies that no unsigned or unnumbered copies within the limited edition are known to exist.
The Pacific Crest Trail spans 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington. It is a National Scenic Trail and it reveals the beauty of the desert, unfolds the glaciated expanses of the Sierra Nevada, takes you deep into forests, and provides commanding vistas of volcanic peaks in the Cascade Range. The trail symbolizes everything there is to love—and protect—in the Western United States.
The Pacific Crest Trail passes through five national monuments, five state park units, six national parks, seven BLM field offices, 25 national forest units and 48 federal wilderness areas. Imagine the work involved to coordinate it!
Each poster is an original work and are numbered, signed and dated. The posters are created in the style of the Works Progress Administration (WPA), when — in the 1930s and 1940s — the Federal Government commissioned hundreds of artists to create thousands of poster designs for public exhibits, community activities, theatrical productions, health, safety and educational programs, nature and travel. By the end of the WPA era, only 26 National Parks had been established and only 14 parks had posters created for them.
Photographer and graphic artist, Robert B. Decker, studied photography with Ansel Adams in the summer of 1979 in Yosemite National Park when he was just 19…an experience that solidified his love of photography and our National Parks. Now he is on a journey to photograph and create iconic WPA-style posters of all 61 major national parks as we look forward to the next 100 years of the National Park Service.
The sole copyright of the original image is retained by the Artist, Robert B. Decker. Any unauthorized reproduction is a violation of international copyright law.