Title: “Yosemite National Park Collection”
- Tunnel View
- Yosemite Falls
- Half Dome
All prints are Signed & Dated
The Yosemite National Park Collection contains three original works created, signed and dated by the artist. The original photographs were taken by Robert B. Decker at Yosemite National Park. One is based on a photograph taken of the "Tunnel View", one of Yosemite Falls and one of Half Dome.
Established in 1890, Yosemite National Park is best known for its magnificent valley. But successful early efforts to include the surrounding mountains and forests also helped pave the way for the United States national park system. Within its nearly 1,200 square miles, you will also see waterfalls, grand meadows, ancient giant sequoias, vast wilderness, and North America’s tallest exposed granite monoliths. Yosemite National Park is located in northern California.
Photographer and graphic artist, Rob Decker, studied photography with Ansel Adams in the summer of 1979 in Yosemite National Park, an experience that solidified his love of photography and our National Parks. Now he is on a journey to photograph and create iconic WPA-style posters of all our major national parks as we celebrate the next 100 years of the National Park Service.
The sole copyright of the original image is retained by the Artist, Robert B. Decker. Any unauthorized reproduction is a violation of international copyright law.
Robert B. Decker - Yosemite National Park Posters - www.National-Park-Posters.com
Decorate your space with this Yosemite National Park wall art!