Title: “Series C Postcard Collection”
Artist: Robert B. Decker
Size: 4″ x 6″
Quantity: 18
Paper: “Conservation” 100% recycled, domestically produced.
Inks: Soy based.
Big Bend National Park
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Dry Tortugas National Park
Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Guadalupe Mountains National Park
Haleakala National Park
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Independence National Historical Park
Joshua Tree National Park
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Lincoln Memorial
Muir Woods National Monument
Point Reyes National Seashore
Redwood National Park
Statue of Liberty National Memorial
Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Virgin Islands National Park
Yellowstone National Park (Old Faithful)
Postcards are 4" x 6" and meet postal regulations so you can send them in the mail! They also fit standard 4x6 inch frames for display.