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To Wash Laundry Bag, Black

$19.00 USD

Our To Wash Laundry Bag in black is an elegant and practical organizing bag that every traveler needs! Whether you are going on a weekend getaway or simply need to stay organized at home, this bag has got you sorted. Separate and organize your laundry in seconds while keeping your bag looking cute. The chic unisex design makes this bag the perfect gift for all the people in your life!

This bag is made of durable natural cotton and and has a drawstring closure made of 100% recycled material. Simply hang it in your closet or in a wardrobe to keep dirty socks, underwear, and other clothing items well-organized.

Add a unique touch to your new laundry bag by adding a monogram of your name or initials!

Read more about this product in our Journal.

Happy organizing!

Exclusively Available - ONLINE ONLY

This Item is an Online exclusive product that is shipped directly from our warehouse partner.

Please not due to shipping quantities, Shipping may be slightly delayed by 2 - 3 days.