Title: “The 2016 National Park Collection”
- Badlands National Park
- Death Valley National Park
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Mount Rainier National Park
- Olympic National Park
- Rocky Mountain National Park (Longs Peak)
- Shenandoah National Park
- Wind Cave National Park
- Blue Ridge Parkway
All Prints are Signed & Dated.
The Artist’s signature on these prints attests that he has personally inspected, numbered and approved and signed each print and further verifies that no unsigned copies are known to exist. Shop this collection and more National Park centennial merchandise today.
The 2016 National Park Poster Collection has been created in the style of the Works Program Administration of the 1930s and 1940s, when the Federal Government started the Works Progress Administration (or the Works Program Administration), and commissioned hundreds of artists to create thousands of posters designs from which literally millions of prints were made. At that time, there were only 26 National Parks. And only 14 parks had posters created during the WPA.
To protect your investment in this art print, never display it in direct sunlight. If kept in favorable conditions, and not tampered with or damaged, and with proper archival mounting, your print is expected to retain its original condition without fading or loss of color. The sole copyright of the original image is retained by the Artist, Robert B. Decker. Any unauthorized reproduction is a violation of international copyright law.
Purchase the 2016 National Park Poster Collection online today.
Robert B. Decker - Limited Edition National Park Posters - www.National-Park-Posters.com