Title: “Series B Postcard Collection”
Artist: Robert B. Decker
Size: 4″ x 6″
Quantity: 18
Paper: “Conservation” 100% recycled, domestically produced.
Inks: Soy based.
Badlands National Park
Bandelier National Monument
Blue Ridge Parkway
Crater Lake National Park
Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Death Valley National Park
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Hot Springs National Park
Kings Canyon National Park
Mammoth Cave National Park
Mount Rainier National Park
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Olympic National Park
Pinnacles National Park
Rocky Mountain National Park (Longs Peak)
Sequoia National Park
Shenandoah National Park
Wind Cave National Park
Postcards are 4" x 6" and meet postal regulations so you can send them in the mail! They also fit standard 4x6 inch frames for display.